
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Literary Circle (Mini- theater)

In Literary Circle we had to make a tiny representation of our selected topic and literature book, it was quite a hassle to get it done but at the end it was worth it because we got our grade and the teacher called our work "great".  

French Activity (Rio Movie)

In french class, we watched the Rio movie, we watched it in french and we had to make a summary about the movie. It was quite a challenge to understand and watch a movie in another language, but it was very doable.


 This time we saw a movie in french class, this movie was ratatouille, we go out for some popcorn and drinks to be comfortable but there was something we didnt expect, they take our popcorns and later on they let us bring them up, it was a really Good experience since we planned this some weeks ago  

Administration Activity

    This time we were in the administration class, we were doing an activity in which the objective was to get together to organize ourselves and decide what was going to be the role of each of the team members in our company, in this activity we had to communicate a lot to be able to understand how the work was going to be distributed in the company,   However, we were able to understand each other easily and we are ready for the next stage in the company.

Human Development Activity

   On October 27 in the human development class we did an activity outside the classroom, which was volleyball, the teacher chose two captains to be able to form two teams of 10 people each, the game was very fun and interesting because the classmates who did not know how to play this sport had the opportunity to learn a little more about how to play it while having fun.


   On October 26th, we formed teams of 5 people to participate in a rally which consisted of answering questions and solving problems on the subjects of physics and biology, after each question we did some physical activities, such as pulling the rope, jumping sacks, pass a water balloon over your head and finally we passed a hoop over our body,  this last one was a little difficult because the hoop had to go through the whole team without letting go of their hands.

Biology cupcakes

 For our biology final project, we decided to make cupcakes representing the eukaryotic cell! We had a lot of fun, we reunited on Saturday 14 and spent a really good time making the cupcakes. At first we thought we would have a hard time making all the little details and pieces but we think we did a great job, I mean, just look at the cupcakes!

Mathematics project

  On Friday 13th the team reunited to get our math project done! We're not going to lie, it was a really stressful process, we had a hard time organizing our different ideas and getting them done, and we even had to start over multiple times, but that's part of the process, sometimes things aren't going to be perfect.

Theater mockup

 For our Literary Circle final project, we were asked to create a mockup of a play, we reunited on Friday 13th to complete this project. It was pretty good overall, we did came across some problems but we managed to get it all done!

French Presentation

  As a class activity, we made a presentation about our family. We presented our dad, mom, sisters and brothers (in case we have them) and our pets. We were interested in knowing more about our friends and it turns out that we did, we didn't even know that some of the have siblings. It was also a challenge because we needed to present in French, but we accomplished it. 

History Activity

 For history class, we went out to the football field and our teacher gave us some rocks and articles from our ancestors, like the mayas, toltecas, purépechas, etc. A specific article that we like was a black circle. It wasn't just a black circle, it was kinda transparent, because you could see through it, and the sun looked so cool when we looked it with the circle. We had so much fun and we think that it was an awesome way to teach us. 

Biology Presentation

  We investigated an animal that lives in hydrothermal vents and presented in biology class. It was an interesting experience because we didn't even know that animals were able to live in that conditions, so we did learn new things. Another thing is that we made a really deep research because, thanks to that the animal we selected isn't well know, there wasn't that much information about it. But the presentation went well. 

Basketball game

  On September 27, we watched the basketball match between Coyotes and Cetys. We were at the edge of our seats the whole game. Coyotes won for one point. The last seconds were full of emotions. The match ended 21-20. After the game, we went to eat pizza and all we did was talk about the incredible game.

Mission And Vision

  MISSION Our mission is to made every single object unique and more aesthetically pleasing to the customer.  VISION Our vision is to become the leading business that lets people's ideas, thoughts and life experiences be personalized in vynil decals.

Mexican Night

  On september 22nd, we attended to the mexican night. We sold hot dogs jumbo and spent an incredible night with our friends. We bought confetti eggs and played with them during the event. We ate tons of food and drank so many things. At the end of the night, we all went to our houses remembering the incredible night that Xochicalco provided us.