Literature fair

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, an event called “Feria de la Lectura” held in the auditorium of the Xochicalco University. The event consisted of, as its name suggests, a fair where there were numerous stands representing a theme related to reading. Third semesters were responsible for preparing the stands and making the magic. We were assigned one stand per group, with a topic related to literature. We were in charge of decorating our stand, preparing an activity and making an exposition of our topic. Our classroom, 304, had the incredible opportunity of presenting about literary creation. We were divided into four teams to make the best of our presentation. There was a decorating team, an exposition team, a printing team, and a team in charge of giving prices. We also divided the time of the fair into shifts. In every shift, there was one or two members of each team.

At 7 A.M. the decoration started, but, for some reason, our decoration team was allowed to go to the auditorium at 7:30. With the clock behind them, the creation of our stand started. The team divided into two little teams. One was in charge of setting up the space, this means, putting the tables, opening the tent, and accommodate a stand for some books. The second team was in charge of making the stand look nice by placing some stiffed animals on top of blankets and books in our little bookshelf. They also hung-up beautiful butterflies and lights all around the stand. By 8:40 A.M., the stand was looking nice and clean, ready to present.

The fair began with a reading of a poem by a teacher, after that, first semesters started to arrive at the auditorium. During the first shift, some complications were presented. First, the background started to fall down, so the members of the decoration team needed to go to find something that could be able to hold the background. Hopefully, they found tape that was strong and were able to fix the problem. Another thing that happened was that some first graders tried to buy the stuffed animals, but they weren´t on sale. After almost two hours, it was time for the change of shift. During the second shift, some persons started to lie down on the blankets, but that wasn´t allow, because they were just for decorations. A few minutes later, it started to rain, causing the lights to go for a while. They returned and the fair continued. 
In the third shift, the theater team presented the play Hercules, which was based on the Disney movie Hercules. The play was an incredible event because it showed the amazing acting skills of some students, and even their singing skills. We couldn´t stop laughing and clapping during the theater play, we had so much fun. 

Finally, the fourth and last shift arrived and, with that, the end of the fair. After the closing, every group cleaned their stand and picked their things, leaving only beautiful memories created during the event.  

In conclusion, everyone had an amazing time during the fair, thanks to the fun activities and the theater play. We learned many things about literature and in an interesting way. We would like to experience other events like this one soon, and also be able to teach new things in diverse ways to others.


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