Yareli Moreno English report

 Yareli Moreno


This semester was definitely not what I expected, it was full of surprises and situations that made me feel sometimes bad or anxious, but other times were great and I felt like I could do anything! 


Lot of changes happened, many teachers went to other schools and others came, that was the case of the English class. Approximately a month ago, a new teacher came, teacher Acuña. She really made a change when we got to our class, learning was suddenly easier and classes were not as stressful as they were before. 

The first topic that we learned was “Narrative tenses”,

its structures are the following:

  • Past simple 

Subject + Verb in the simple past

Ex. I visited Japan.

  • Past perfect 

Subject + had + Verb in past participle

  • Past continuous 

Subject + Verb in past + Verb ing 

Ex. I was living in Japan.

  • Past perfect continuous 

Subject + had + Verb ing


Learning that topic was not hard at all, I don’t know if it is because of the teaching method of the teacher or if I’m suddenly smarter! Anyways, it was a great topic. 


Some days later, and after some book activities to reinforce our previous knowledge, we started another topic, the “Future in the past”. This topic is used for the next situations:

  • To talk about intent in the past.
  • To talk about an event that wasn’t planned however happened anyway.
  • Indirect speech - Reporting a future form.

Here are some examples: 

  • Intent in the past

I was going to call you but I couldn’t find a phone.

  • Form would

I knew you would help me.

  • Form was/were going to 

I knew you were going to go to the party.

  • Form was/were

They were getting married that morning.


Between each topic that we started learning, we did some activities on the book, and after many classes that passed really fast, the semester is over.


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